Managed networks
Virtual edge services

Managed Networks - Virtual Edge Services
Fifteen years ago, Enterprises, System Integrators and Service Providers were busying themselves with replacing aging edge devices based on TDM, ATM and dial up technologies with “IP” enabled devices.
We today stand at the precipice of another major technology revolution affecting edge devices such as Customer Premise Edge (CPE) devices.
This world-shattering change is based on the virtualisation of devices being driven by Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) technology.
So, as an enterprise customer why should you be interested in replacing a significant part of your existing edge devices to “virtual edge” technologies?
As a Chief Executive Officer, you may be looking to:
- Provide organisational agility to respond to the Digital Transformation & competitor challenges to your organisation.
Virtual Edge from Fujitsu enables organisations to rapidly deploy new sites, locations and services in minutes rather than weeks or months – enabling organisational agility.
As a Chief Finance Officer, you may be looking to:
- Achieve significant operational cost reduction and utilisation of fixed assets.
Virtual Edge from Fujitsu can achieve this by instead of your organisation purchasing per site, 1 x IP Router device, 1 x IP Firewall, 1 x Load Balancer and 1 x WAN accelerator – in effect 4 devices. You can virtualised this hardware into one single x86 server platform – significantly reducing hardware, support, power and training costs. At the same time only using software licenses for these functions when you really need them and remove them when you don’t – truly utilising key fixed assets of the organisation. Across multiply sites this can achieve a huge saving and impact on depreciation costs to your organisation.
As a Chief Operating Officer, you may be trying to:
- To overcome resource, skills gaps and personal issues whilst trying to respond to the demands of the enterprise to achieve a Competitive Advantage.
Virtual Edge from Fujitsu can enable your organisation to spin up and remove services when needed, without the need of expense and scarce Project Management, advanced network and virtualised skills. Achieving true “Zero Touch deployments”, via standardised templates to deliver the right services to the right sites at the right time.
So, why talk to Fujitsu about our capabilities in Fujitsu’s Virtual Edge?
Because today we understand, design, deploy and manage Virtual Edge technologies for a wide range of clients. We understand the pitfalls and issues around the technology and can help your organisation not make expensive mistakes whilst trying to move to virtualised technologies. Finally, we research, develop our own NFV technologies and support and manage 3rd party NFV technologies – so we believe we do have a unique understanding of the impact and benefits of NFV.
So rather than just reading about it, join us at Fujitsu and see what’s really possible – we think you will be amazed...