Public sector solutions

Public Sector IT - Transforming Local Government
Fujitsu local government IT solutions – improving citizens lives
With responsibility for a wide range of vital services such as social care, waste collection, schools, housing, and planning, local government touches the lives of millions of citizens every day. Worldwide, local governments are under pressure to cut budgets and do more for less, with limited resources making it a challenge to tackle an endless list of complex problems.
The most effective way to improve public services is by joining them up across departments. With infrastructure and connectivity improvements core public services can be digitalized - improving efficiency, cutting costs, and providing an engaging way for citizens to interact with government agencies.
The provision of smart services using AI, robotics, cognitive computing, and virtual customer service assistants is becoming increasingly commonplace, reducing the burden of administrative tasks while enabling government agencies to gain faster access to valuable insights. Using this data-driven intelligence, local governments can reduce congestion in growing cities, eliminate food waste, develop strategies for conserving energy, and much more.
Fujitsu digital solutions for local government
At Fujitsu, we understand the challenges local governments face on their journey to digital. We have more than 5 decades of experience working in close partnership with local government agencies around the globe, helping them to digitalize with confidence and deliver a wide range of services that improve citizens lives.
Our expertise lies in delivering efficient, secure, and reliable solutions that make the most of restricted government budgets.