Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name)
Fujitsu AI Platform

Fast-track innovation – put the world’s latest cutting-edge technologies to the test


What is the Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform?

Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform is a newly-developed concept designed to enable the fast testing of cutting-edge AI technologies developed by Fujitsu, free of charge*. The platform consists of two essential elements - AI innovation Components, which are packaged AI technology, and the AI Core Engines, Fujitsu's core AI technology. By using the platform, customers can achieve rapid business validation from a modest starting point.

AI Innovation Components

AI Innovation Components are packaged AI technologies designed to solve customer business challenges on a use case basis. In addition to cutting-edge AI technologies developed by Fujitsu, they provide standardized and coordinated AI technologies from OSS and partners, enabling the rapid realization of PoCs.

AI Core Engines

AI Core Engines are tools and software components that are based on Fujitsu's advanced AI technologies. Customers can also use AI core engines directly.

Through the Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform, we aim to provide our customers with an important new pathway to kick-start PoCs, achieve growth and gain a competitive edge.

  • *
    Trial use of AI innovation components and AI core engines in demonstration trials is provided free of charge; services such as support of demonstration trials by Fujitsu SEs and researchers are provided as paid services.

Customer Stories

Realizing successful business transformation with AI Innovation Components

Fujitsu I-Network Systems
Visualizing variations of element work by worker or by work cycle by analyzing each factory worker's action and improving productivity by realizing work mastery earlier in comparison with standard operation times
Marukyu Co., Ltd.
Probe the impact of in-store digital signage by visualizing "Stop by," "Look," “Reach-out," and "Buy" behaviors

AI Innovation Components

Advanced AI features, models and tools that have been validated by pioneers in diverse industries such as manufacturing, retail and public sector are available.

Smart Factory (Assembly and process factories)

Workflow AnalysisWorkflow analysis and visualization to realize DX at manufacturing sitesOptimizing production sites through workflow analysis focused on individual factory workers while reducing installation costs.
Product Defect InspectionRealizing continuous high detection accuracy at low costDetecting defective products with high accuracy from image data and reducing the risk of bringing defective product to the market. Avoiding AI accuracy degradation due to changes in the manufacturing environment and improving product productivity and quality.
Defect Factor Analysis (Coming soon)Improves product quality by analyzing infrequent defect data to determine the conditions of the manufacturing process under which defects occur and mitigating those factors.

Smart Store (Retail)

Consumer Behavior AnalysisContext marketing in real storesRealizing more detailed visualization of purchasing behavior at real, supporting realization of smart stores that provide personalized customer experiences.
Cashier Fraud Monitoring (Coming soon)Suppresses fraud due to accidental and intentional miscalculations in self-checkout areas through camera footage analysis and POS linkage to achieve loss prevention in short-staffed stores.

Smart City (Public sector)

Suspicious Behavior DetectionFast detection of suspicious behaviorEarly detection of suspicious behavior by using security cameras and surveillance systems. Realization of a safe and secure society.

AI Core Engines

The world's most accurate core engine enables quick and accurate output

Fujitsu AutoMLAutomated construction of machine learning models from table dataFujitsu's AutoML technology enables rapid generation of highly accurate machine learning models, including trial-and-error execution programs.
Fujitsu AI Ethics for FairnessEasily verification and improvement of the fairness of AI modelsAI learning data and fairness of decisions can be simply verified on a web browser and improved as needed.
Causal DiscoveryLarge-scale causal discoveryQuick and comprehensive calculation of causal relationships under all conditions from vast amounts of data, discovery of individually causal relationships that are usually overlooked.

Interested in testing the Fujitsu Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform?*

  1. Select the Innovation Components or Core Engines
  2. View demos
  3. Establish a trial environment
  4. Conduct a PoC


    • A
      Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform is a newly-redeveloped concept designed to enable the fast testing of cutting-edge AI technologies in various areas such as manufacturing, retail, and public sector.
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      AI Innovation Components are packaged AI technologies designed to solve customer business challenges on a use case basis. In addition to cutting-edge AI technologies developed by Fujitsu, they provide standardized and coordinated AI technologies from OSS and partners, enabling the rapid realization of PoCs.
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      AI Core Engines are tools and software components that are based on Fujitsu's advanced AI technologies.
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      Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform allows you to test Fujitsu Research's advanced AI technology quickly. By using the platform, customers can achieve rapid business validation from a modest starting point. Customization is also available by combining other providers' AI technology with Fujitsu's AI technology.
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      Please contact us to discuss preparing a component and what knowledge is required for testing.
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      There is no limitation on the number of users. Resource allocation based on the number of users involved will be arranged on an individual case basis.
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      It is available free of charge during the trial period.
      (The end date of the trial period has not yet been decided)
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      After the PoC environment set-up, access to the platform, data upload, and the use of components are all supported.
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      New components and engines will be made available every quarter.
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      Ownership of the user data belongs to the users.
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      The period from the initial application to the conclusion of the contract depends on how you conduct the test. We usually provide you with the test environment within a week after agreeing the contract. For customers outside of Japan, it may take longer to deal with export control procedures.

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