Business and Other Risks
The Fujitsu Group considers it an important management issue to appropriately identify and respond to risks in the Fujitsu Group's business operations and other activities. Based on Basic Policy on Establishing an Internal Control Structure determined by the Board of Directors, we have established the "Risk Management & Compliance Committee" as the highest decision-making body regarding risk management and compliance issues that reports directly to the Board of Directors. Risk Management & Compliance Committee recognizes and evaluates these risks, determines and implements risk countermeasures (i.e. avoidance, mitigation, transfer, and retention of risk), and reports the results of the recognition and assessment to the Board of Directors. After confirming the status of measures to avoid, mitigate, transfer, and retain each risk, the Risk Management & Compliance Committee formulates and reviews further measures, and strives to minimize the impact in the event of an occurrence. (Risk management process for critical risks)
In addition, Risk Management & Compliance Committee appoints risk compliance officers in each division and group company in Japan and overseas, and has established a system to promote risk management and compliance across the entire group from both preventing potential risks and responding to identified risks, while maintaining mutual coordination among these organizations.

Please note that the following does not cover all risks of the Group. This section contains forward-looking statements as determined by the Companies as of the date of submission of the Annual Securities Report (June 22, 2020).
Relationship with management policies and strategies
In order to achieve our management goals, we are implementing various measures described in "Management policy and issues to be addressed". Major risks that may directly affect these measures and their countermeasures are described in the following sections, 1 ~ 5, 8, 11 and 13, in consideration of their relevance to our management policies and strategies.