


Fujitsu will fulfill its social responsibilities as a global corporate environmental leader.
We aim to contribute to achieving the 1.5℃ climate change goal of the Paris Agreement and also to resolving environmental challenges, through such measures as developing innovative solutions that make effective use of resources.


Fulfill our social responsibilities and help to resolve environmental challenges

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions at Fujitsu sites by 37.8% or more from the base year level
    (Reduce by 4.2% each year compared with FY2013)
  • Avoid risks associated with our business activities and minimize our impact on the environment
  • Help to resolve environmental challenges for customers and society through our business operations

Environmental Management

Since its foundation in 1935, Fujitsu has made environmental conservation one of the company's top management priorities, based on the principle of "operating in harmony with nature." Recognizing our mission as a global ICT company, we promote environmental management with the commitment of top management under the "Sustainability Management Committee" chaired by the president.We are also building an environmental management system (EMS) based on the ISO 14001 international standard in order to implement environmental activities throughout the Fujitsu Group.

Medium- to Long-Term Vision Focused on Climate Change

The Fujitsu Group has established the “FUJITSU Climate and Energy Vision,” a medium- to long-term environmental vision with the goal of bringing the Fujitsu Group’s CO2 emissions to zero by 2050, as well as contributing to the achievement of a decarbonized society and the adaptation to climate change.We also support and participate in international initiatives on decarbonization and climate change, setting medium- and long-term targets for GHG emissions and the use of renewable energy.

Environmental Action Plan

In order to systematically and continuously improve our environmental activities, the Fujitsu Group has established an Environmental Action Plan as a specific initiative and target, and is implementing activities based on the PDCA cycle.The Environmental Action Plan has been continuously updated since 1993. Since stages Ⅷ was launched in 2016, we have formulated a plan based on the medium- and long-term environmental vision, and since April 2019 we have been implementing stage Ⅸ. In stageⅩ (FY2021-2022), we will continue to promote activities that address global environmental and social issues.

Environmental Communication

Communication with society is important for sustainable environmental management. The Fujitsu Group not only reports and discloses the results of its environmental activities to customers and employees, but also builds relationships of trust and cooperation with society through dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders.

Environmental Social Activities

The Fujitsu Group contributes to society through its core businesses in order to realize a sustainable society, and each employee contributes to society as a corporate citizen.

Disposal and Recycling of ICT products

Environmental Considerations in ICT Products

The Fujitsu Group has established its own standards for promoting the development of environmentally conscious products, and certifies products that meet these standards as Green Products.We have also acquired environmental labels related to energy conservation and recycling, and disclose environmental information on our products.

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