Procurement Policy

Fujitsu Group Procurement Policy

Fujitsu Group procures products and services based on the following procurement policy.

  1. Working with our Suppliers
    We procure goods, software, and services ("Procurement Items") from various suppliers, add value, and supply them to society as FUJITSU Groups' products or services.
    We strive to establish a positive and collaborative relationship between the Fujitsu Group and our suppliers. As good business partners we aim to build a long term relationship of trust, and to prosper together by continually supporting each other to improve.
  2. Fair and Proper Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers
    We evaluate and select suppliers comprehensively based on several criteria including i) Credibility as an enterprise, ii) Technology, iii)Quality, Price and Delivery of Procurement Items and iv)The level of engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") activities.
    In evaluating and selecting suppliers, we treat all supplier candidates fairly and equally without making any distinctions by their nationality or the size of their businesses.
  3. Promotion of CSR-Conscious Procurement Activities
    We respect globally recognized standards and, together with our suppliers, we promote such CSR issues as respect for human rights, labor, health and safety, environmental responsibility, compliance with laws and regulations, fair trade and business ethics.

Baseline of CSR Procurement

We respect globally recognized standards and, together with our suppliers, we promote CSR issues within procurement such as human rights, labor, health and safety, environmental responsibility, compliance with laws and regulations, fair trade and business ethics.

United Nations Global Compact

Recognizing the importance of such issues as the global environment or human rights, Fujitsu announced its support of the United Nations Global Compact in December 2009. The Fujitsu Group is committed to upholding the 10 principles of the Global Compact through its global CSR activities.

*The United Nations Global Compact was proposed by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the January 1999 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In July 2000, the initiative was formally inaugurated at the UN headquarters in New York. As of December 2009, more than 7,000 businesses and other organizations from 134 countries were participating in the compact.
Participating companies voluntarily uphold ten principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. While seeking to promote the CSR activities of companies as part of their responsibility as corporate citizens, the compact endeavors through these activities to foster a sustainable and inclusive global economy, starting with the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Press release : Fujitsu Joins United Nations Global Compact

Responsible Business Alliance

Fujitsu Group joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) in March 2017. Our strategy, together with our partners, is to further strengthen initiatives related to CSR in our supply chain through the framework of RBA.

*RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) a coalition promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Press release : Fujitsu Joins EICC, a Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline

The Fujitsu Group has adopted the RBA Code of Conduct as its CSR Procurement Guideline. We expect our suppliers to support the Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline and conduct their worldwide operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.

●The Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline (RBA Code of Conduct)

Responsible Minerals Procurement

We work with our customers and business partners to promote due diligence in our supply chain of high risk minerals that could lead to human rights abuses such as child labor and forced labor, and the acceleration of disputes.

●Approaches against Responsible Minerals Procurement

  • Fujitsu Group Policy on Responsible Minerals Procurement
  • Set up for promoting Responsible Minerals Procurement initiatives
  • High risk minerals Survey