Fujitsu Perspectives

Byline Articles
A visionary selection of deep dive articles authored by Fujitsu’s subject matter experts and thought leaders.
A selection of supporting documents that provide background information on Fujitsu’s main strategic initiatives and global business strategy.
bylineByline Articles
predictions-2023Predictions 2023
In 2023, phishing and IT/OT integration will be cybersecurity hotspots
In 2023, expect to see organizations big and small compromised as they grapple with crises both in and outside the inbox. It’s a mistake to think that attackers are sitting in the shadows, sending out random phishing emails. However much we may dislike the consequences, the reality is that phishing is someone’s day job, and they give it a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. The canniest attackers are looking for email subjects that will trigger an emotional response and cause recipients to bypass normal precautions.
2023: it’s now or never for the SDG2030 timetable
I’m not alone in thinking that. In 2023, I predict that many organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact will reassess their strategies. "Materiality analysis", AKA a clearer picture of what is actually changing on the ground, is likely to be more visible. So is a temptation to focus more – choosing specific areas where companies feel they can make the most progress possible in the short amount of remaining time.
Why 2023 will be the year of private 5G networks
Three key factors changed in 2022 that removed major roadblocks in the way of private 5G use cases. The way is open for 2023 to be the year of private 5G networks.
In 2023, can we still trust the infrastructure which connects the cloud?
What were the most significant issues in 2022, and what can we extrapolate from them in 2023? Christian Leutner, VP and Head of European Platform Business at Fujitsu, follows the red line from geopolitics, one of the biggest issues in 2022, and examines the implications for IT strategists and decision-makers.
What 2023 has in store for the Channel
Making predictions is generally a risky undertaking, particularly during turbulent times. Conflicting reports from across our industry compound the challenge – on the one hand, smart money is in a recession hitting most regions in 2023. On the other, analysts expect increased spend on IT technologies and solutions designed to drive efficiencies and reduce costs.
Why quantum error correction is the new battleground in bringing quantum computing to commercial reality
As quantum computing moves closer to reality, quantum error correction for its advanced calculations is the new battleground in 2023. Quantum computing continues to mature. It’s not going to be a commercial reality tomorrow, or even in the next year or two, but we expect to see growing use of the technology within the next decade.
hybrid-itHybrid IT
Unlocking data is the silver lining in revamping OT security
There’s an upside to everything. The silver lining of implementing much-needed revamps to OT security is how it opens new horizons, creating actionable insights from fresh data sources. In the world of operational technology (OT), evolution happens slowly. Many OT control systems like SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and DCS (Distributed Control Systems) have been running flawlessly for years, if not decades.
How hybrid cloud strategies help master emerging technologies
New technologies can propel efficiency and business performance to new levels. However, adoption is not always straightforward. New Research from Fujitsu shows that organizations with a strategic approach to hybrid cloud adoption are more likely to have achieved accelerated digital transformation.
People power: Investing in talent for hybrid cloud success
Successfully implementing a hybrid cloud environment is challenging. Therefore, employing the right talent to manage it is crucial. In an era when public cloud computing is so well established, with so many obvious benefits, there are still many reasons why companies maintain on-premises infrastructure or “private cloud”. Regulatory compliance, security, latency, and legacy apps too complex to migrate are the main motives.
Reducing risk in a hybrid cloud model is the key to fueling growth
Security outages can kill brands Cyber security is the number one concern for organizations when managing their hybrid cloud environments. This is hardly surprising when you consider that nine out of 10 companies have suffered data breaches in the last 12 months. Damages due to digital crime represent the most significant transfer of economic wealth in history, according to researchers at Cybersecurity Ventures.
Aligning hybrid cloud strategy with business-wide goals leads to better and faster results
The need for a hybrid cloud strategy Once the concept of cloud computing was out there and starting to be understood, there was a period when it seemed possible that some businesses might make the shift and become totally cloud-based.
Manage Multi-Cloud complexity by keeping dev and ops in synch
As Chief Evangelist of Cloud, Data, DX at Fujitsu, Sanjeev Kamboj is responsible for helping customers transform their businesses to extract the most possible benefit from digital transformation. Here he covers how businesses can effectively leverage a multi-cloud strategy to drive their post-COVID recovery with agility and the ability to evolve at pace.
The hybrid cloud paradox
How business and IT leaders can resolve the tug-of-war between hybrid cloud DX and new security and resilience challenges Business and IT leaders are being pulled in two directions at once. That is the situation outlined by industry analysts IDC in a recent campaign*) from Fujitsu alongside our partner Veritas.
Unlock the power of your organization and manage post-COVID Multi-Cloud complexity
As Chief Evangelist for, Cloud, Data & DX at Fujitsu, Sanjeev Kamboj is responsible for helping customers transform their businesses to extract the most possible benefit from digital transformation. Here he covers how businesses can effectively leverage a multi-cloud strategy to drive postCOVID recovery with agility and the ability to evolve at pace.
It’s time for IT leaders to capitalize on Covid-momentum, consolidate their leadership and drive their cloud strategies
For many IT leaders, 2020 felt like a whole decade. Most of North West Europe locked down in late March 2020 and many of us are only just emerging from those restrictions over twelve months later. If necessity is the mother of invention, then during this challenging time, many CIOs have been pushed to achieve more than they ever thought was possible. They’ve enabled entire workforces to work remotely, putting in place the systems and tools that allowed them to be productive from their homes.
The sky is full of clouds? Find the right one for you!
Moving to the cloud has become the default position for most organizations wanting to modernize operations. There are good reasons for this – with significant cost, scalability and flexibility benefits from cloud migration. But is it the right choice in every circumstance? Are we sometimes too quick to reject the option of keeping data closer to hand?
responsible-businessResponsible Business
Effectively tackling carbon emission reductions needs everyone engaged
Everyone knows they should be doing their bit to protect the environment, reduce carbon emissions, and minimize global warming, says Sarah-Jane Littleford, Head of Responsible Business, Global Delivery at Fujitsu. But the main challenge for most people at work is knowing what to do and how to make a start.
How Fujitsu is embedding the UN SDGs in its working culture
Many global organizations have turned to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals as the inspiration for their ESG policies. Sarah-Jane Littleford, Head of Responsible Business, Fujitsu Global Delivery, explains here how Fujitsu is taking this one step further in an initiative that makes the SDGs meaningful and relevant to the daily activities of Its people around the globe.
Accelerating transformation by focusing on culture, people and mindset
At the start of the pandemic, Benno Zollner stepped into a new global role as Head of Digital Systems Platform Unit at Fujitsu, with the task of accelerating globalization. In this pivotal position, he has played a crucial role in ensuring that new practices are implemented across Fujitsu globally for the first time in the company’s 80-plus year history.
Why the IT industry needs more women – and what it can do to attract them
There’s plenty of evidence that drawing on multiple perspectives and experiences allows us to innovate more effectively. We also know that diverse companies perform better, are more successful at recruiting and retaining employees, and have more engaged workforces. But despite this, women are still underrepresented across IT – an industry driven by innovation.
Fujitsu goes global with SDG communities rollout
As head of Responsible Business for Fujitsu’s Global Delivery business, Sarah-Jane leads its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Following a successful pilot, Fujitsu is rolling out the SDG Communities|絆 project to more than 17,000 employees worldwide, including employees at eight Global Delivery hubs.
data-driven-worldTechnology for a Data-Driven World
Moore’s Law Turns to Highlighting Power Savings in Data Centers
In the past year, the focus on power consumption and running costs in data center infrastructure has reached unprecedented levels. Power efficiency has become a crucial factor that most customers prioritize when selecting new systems.
Why Technology is a Key Factor in the ‘Return to the office’ debate
The “should we, shouldn’t we?” debate has been raging for a year. It’s finally time for employees and employers to decide whether to return to the office – and technology plays a more significant role than many people would think in influencing this decision, says Marcel Schuster, Head of Customer Experience Workplace at Fujitsu.
How to create new business value from your SAP S/4HANA migration
The slow pace of migration to SAP S/4HANA is perplexing. Only 14% of SAP users are now live. Yet support for SAP Business Suite ends in 2027, and any options to pay extra for extended maintenance run out in 2030. Given the complexity of migration, these are tight deadlines. Throw skills shortages into the mix and it's clear that waiting any longer to make decisions is an extremely high-risk strategy.
How to avoid cloud FOMO with on-premises infrastructure
Nobody likes paying for things they don’t use. It feels like being short-changed. A common cause for complaint is a subscription plan that just runs on whether you use it or not. We’ve all probably experienced that. But you’ll have also felt some of that pain if you ever took the salesperson’s advice to upgrade to the model bigger and more expensive than you needed – just in case – only to use a fraction of its available power or functions...
How to accelerate leverage over your data and solve strategic needs
There is a major disconnect between how LoB and digital leaders perceive the use of data to improve the customer experience, says Regina Moran, VP, Head of Global Delivery Unit, at Fujitsu. Here she outlines three ‘accelerators’ to enable businesses to speed up becoming data-driven at their foundations and supporting business strategies effectively. A roadmap to align diverging views Surprisingly, many organizations still can’t leverage data to adapt to strategic needs, with a significant perception gap emergin.
Exploring deeper in the data jungle
Although the waterfall of data that continues to wash over business users can feel like a never-ending deluge, it is also a huge opportunity. Monetization of data has been the most significant business story of the last decade, and that trend is unlikely to stop. Recent papers from analysts Gartner, for example, put data monetization at the forefront of priorities in manufacturing and insurance, to name just two sectors.
The rise of the dedicated device – a new lease of life for hardware
As Chief Data Officer for the Product business at Fujitsu, Glenn Fitzgerald is responsible for taking the lead in enabling customers to embrace Fujitsu’s data-driven transformation strategy. Here, he explains why customers today are more interested in software than hardware.
Manufacturers must optimize data as economies weaken
Data Adaptability will be key as economies slow Global insecurity and rising inflation make the coming months extraordinarily unpredictable for manufacturers. This is on top of factors such as supply chain bottlenecks and labor shortages that meant — even before the tragic events in Ukraine — manufacturing confidence was already at an 18-month low.
How to Find Out if your AI project is a Business Case
What's it going to take to get AI more widely adopted in business? asks Glenn Fitzgerald, Chief Data Officer, Platform Business Europe at Fujitsu. Perhaps building use cases and testing on reliable infrastructure. Picture yourself taking an AI «test drive».
emerging-technologiesEmerging Technologies
How digitalized rice trading is improving global food security
Food security is a huge issue for the world. So far, increased production has managed to keep pace with the extraordinary population growth over the last 50 years. But there are reasons to think we might have even more significant challenges ahead.
How Transformational Leaders Are Leveraging Containers to Deconstruct and Rebuild their Businesses
If there’s one phrase likely to strike fear in a CIO’s heart, it’s “cloud silos”. As a result, fear of lock-in keeps many businesses from leveraging best-in-breed multi-cloud infrastructures and deploying transformational technologies like containers. As CTO Cloud Partner Eco Systems at Fujitsu, Sanjeev Kamboj helps customers transform their businesses to extract the greatest benefit from digital transformation. Here he shares insights on how to get past the fear of lock-in to make transformational changes.
business-solutions-and-partnershipsBusiness Solutions and Partnerships
Collaboration Between Channel Partners Bridges the Skills Gap
Over the last few years, many businesses have accelerated their transformations by deploying technologies and processes to keep remote teams running despite the chaos of the Covid pandemic. But after that initial push, the positive trend toward digital transformation has stalled for many companies as they struggle to find skilled staff.
Fujitsu and Veritas – collaborating more closely than ever after 30 years of partnership
The world has changed – but this strategic relationship has continued to evolve to help customers on their digital journey.
5 Ways B2B companies can achieve CX transformation
Customer Experience (CX) transformation is one of the most powerful strategic changes an organization can undertake. Consultants at McKinsey & Co say that “A fundamental change of mind-set focusing on the customer, along with operational and IT improvements, can generate a 20-30% uplift in customer satisfaction, a 10-20% improvement in employee satisfaction, and economic gains ranging from 20-50% of the cost base addressed in the various journeys.”
Fujitsu on: 5G networks
Bandwidth demand shows no sign of decelerating. Nielsen’s law states that “a high-end user’s connection speed grows by 50% per year”. This was first postulated by Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group in 1998 when he measured bandwidth growth going back to 1984 for major users at 53% annually and rounded to 50%. He subsequently re-validated the thesis in 2008 and again in 2019.
Fujitsu on: Partner Ecosystem
The Partner Ecosystem represents over 80% of Fujitsu’s business in the European region – consequently, for Fujitsu to be successful, its partners must also be successful. There are multiple opportunities and programs for partners of all types to participate in Fujitsu’s partner ecosystem.
Fujitsu on: Responsible Business
The Fujitsu Purpose, announced in 2020, focuses resources on "making the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation". Through this purpose, Fujitsu aims to help its customers remain at the cutting edge of technology innovation, and connect people, communities, organizations, things, and data within its business activities, sustainably and responsibly.
Fujitsu on: Computing
Society, business, science, and the systems that support all these are becoming more complex. They rely on ever-greater computing power and technical levels to provide essential analysis, insight, optimization, and control. The process is symbiotic — greater complexity demands greater computing power. In turn, this enableseven greater complexity.
Fujitsu on: Hybrid IT
Society is rapidly becoming ever more connected. Every aspect of our lives – from work to leisure, family life to health and wellbeing, commerce to sustainable development — depends on digital connectivity of people, things, places, and organizations. That, in turn, depends on digital Infrastructure, built on technologies that are seamlessly connected.
Fujitsu on: the PRIMERGY M7 Server Series
Fujitsu’s next-generation PRIMERGY M7 servers leverage the new 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor technology.