Next-Generation Networks

Charting the Best Path

Network Transformation: A Collaborative Journey

Every business must transform itself to thrive, but the communications network industry is making an unprecedented journey of change for vendors and service providers alike. The right kind of change demands the right kind of preparation, and a commitment to long-term, planned changes. The future won't happen overnight.
The communications network as a whole has evolved from voice telecom, which was developed to ensure stability by being essentially monolithic, to IP networks focused primarily on data transmission. The network of the future will deliver the telecom industry's traditional stability across a much broader range of capabilities, but this stability will be in large part due to a dynamic, adaptive architecture.
There is only one way to approach such profound transformation: by working together. Our philosophy is that by co-creating network solutions with customers, we help them ensure every step forward is the right step for their unique needs and resources.

Transform Your Network for Real Business Returns

  • Adaptive

    • Prepare to meet tomorrow's challenges as they arise
    • Transform to meet your real business goals and requirements
    • Respond quickly to unexpected demands and developments
  • Profitable

    • Open your network to revenue opportunities with new features and functionality
    • Boost operational efficiency and minimize risk for greater return
  • Simplified

    • Disaggregated network platforms offer simple plug-and-play configuration
    • Next-generation network architecture is economical and resource-efficient
    • Automation simplifies labor-intensive tasks and speeds fault resolution

Making the Digital Transformation Journey-Together

Growing demands on today's networks are straining the limits of legacy systems and technologies. The time for digital transformation is now. But it's a big problem to solve without support. As communications service providers evolve their networks to next-generation architectures, they want an experienced partner to share the journey with them.

Fujitsu offers a solution co-creation approach that reduces risk and improves results, working with you to evolve tomorrow's adaptive network architectures so you can meet challenges as they arise-with confidence.


6G vision whitepaper

This whitepaper presents Fujitsu’s 2030 Vision in terms of network technologies and its elemental technologies. The more digital technologies are adopted by industry and society, the clearer the future shape of society becomes. To realize our richness society requires network revolution which includes both software and hardware. Fujitsu continues to contribute to the development of future society by delivering the cutting-edge network technologies worldwide.

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