Building a sustainable future

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Fujitsu Platform Business: Sustainable data center product portfolio

Building a sustainable world means increasing transparency to our customers. Therefore, we provide our latest corporate audits and additional insights on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability including the sustainable data architecture of our data center product portfolio.

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY Recyclability Assessment

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY Recyclability Assessment

Billions of devices are coming online, and the growth is causing enterprises to hit resource limitations. Building a sustainable future is one of our core values. This also includes developing environmentally friendly products that are almost completely reusable.

PRIMERGY Responsible Mineral Sourcing

PRIMERGY responsible mineral sourcing

Fujitsu ensures responsible operations in its supply chain by following Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and by using the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).

Greenhouse gas emissions in Fujitsu product transportation

Select a report to find out more about greenhouse gas emissions in Fujitsu's product transportation:

global vision

Assessment of Greenhouse gas emissions in product transportation

global vision

KPMG Independent Assurance Report

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