Global Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer

Masaharu Fujimori


Amidst the intense pace of change aimed at DX, the roles and position of project managers are also changing. My specialist field is systemization and implementation of management that can lead companies to successful modernization to confront change. Currently, I am assigned to the Quality Assurance Unit, where I disseminate systemized guides and adapt them to actual projects.


  • Jan. 22, 2019: Spoke at a PM Conference, the New Year's PM Seminar: “Risk Predictor-Detecting AI”
  • Jun. 1, 2019, onwards: Vice President of PMAJ
  • Sept. 2, 2021, onwards: PMAJ PM Symposium Planned lecture: “New Quality Assurance Systems to Guide the Success of Modernization Oriented Towards DX”

Value Creation

Since March 2020, worked on the development of a new SI quality assurance system (task force leader), revised the SDEM, contract (detailed terms for taking consignments), and SBN/action guidelines, and released standard proposals and explanatory materials for customers.(As of April 2021, applied to 51 PRJs when counting business negotiations and after-sale service.)​​​​​