Human Rights, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | ◆Human Rights
In both the real-world and digital societies, consideration for "human dignity" is reflected in all our corporate activities and we constantly work to "create human-centric value".
Embedding "respect for human rights" within the Fujitsu Group
- Completion rates for global human rights training : 80%
| - Conducted e-learning on business and human rights for all Group employees in 16 languages worldwide.
Participation rate: 92%
◆Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Be a responsible business that reflects the diversity of our world. Build an inclusive and equitable culture where everyone belongs and can be completely themselves. We will celebrate difference and ensure that people can succeed regardless of their personal identity.
Through inclusive design and innovation, we will endeavor to make a positive impact within society and empower each other to make the world more sustainable.
Cultivation of inclusive corporate culture.
- The Fujitsu Group aims to achieve at least Consolidated 69% from 66%(FY2019) / Non-consolidated 63% from 59%(FY2019), in favorable answers to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion question in the Engagement Survey by FY2022.
- The Fujitsu Group aims to achieve at least Consolidated 10% from 8%(FY2019) / Non-consolidated 9% from 6%(FY2019) female leadership by FY2022.
| - Favorable answers rate of engagement survey related to “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” question
- Consolidated 69%
- Non-consolidated 65%
- Female leadership rate
- Consolidated 10.3%
- Non-consolidated 8.0%
 Wellbeing | To create an environment where all employees can work positively and healthily in both mind and body. We will also endeavor to provide opportunities for employees to develop personally and display their abilities to the fullest extent.
Providing a positive work environment
- An average score of 71 globally for "Work-life Balance" and "Wellbeing (*1)" in the Engagement Survey
Provide opportunities for employees to develop personally and display their abilities to the fullest extent
- An average score of 70 globally for "Growth Opportunities" in the Engagement Survey
| - Global average score for "Work-life Balance" and "Wellbeing (*1)" : 64
- Global average score for "Growth Opportunities" : 68
 Environment | Fujitsu will fulfill its social responsibilities as a global corporate environmental leader. We aim to contribute to achieving the 1.5℃ climate change goal of the Paris Agreement and also to resolving environmental challenges, through such measures as developing innovative solutions that make effective use of resources.
Fulfill our social responsibilities and help to resolve environmental challenges
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions at Fujitsu sites by 37.8% or more from the base year level (Reduce by 4.2% each year compared with FY2013)
- Avoid risks associated with our business activities and minimize our impact on the environment
- Help to resolve environmental challenges for customers and society through our business operations
| - Greenhouse gas emissions reduction rate:
- FY2021 Target 33.6% or more Achievement 36.7% (Reduced by 4.2% each year compared with FY2013)
- Renewable energy usage ratio: 20.7%
- Avoid risks and minimize our impact on the environment :
[ Business sites ]
- Improve Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) at Data Centers: Actual 1.56 (Target 1.57)
- Water usage: 57,000 m3-reduction from the previous year
- Promote eco design for resource savings and circulation and increase resource efficiency of newly developed products by 10.1 % (compared with FY 2019).
[ Supply Chain ]
- Reduce CO2 emissions due to power consumption during product usage by 51% (compared with FY2013).
- Reduce CO2 emissions and conserve water resources in the upstream supply chain : Request the Fujitsu Group’s key partners to undertake reduction activities, 100% completed
- Help to resolve environmental challenges :
- Transfer of carbon-neutral knowledge to business units
- Improveing the professional skills of employees by conducting in-house education through environmental study sessions and on-the-job training
- Creation solutions based on in-house references
- Support customer proposals to resolve environmental issues
- Redevelop EcoCALC, an evaluation tool for CO2 emissions reductions, for global use and launch an intranet site for information sharing to raise self-awareness of environmental issues among employees
 Compliance | Ensure that all officers and employees within the Fujitsu Group conduct their business activities with a high level of compliance awareness and through those activities, the Fujitsu Group fulfills our social responsibilities and earns the trust of our stakeholders.
To further disseminate compliance-related part of the Fujitsu Way Code of Conduct throughout the entire organization, the Global Compliance Program is rolled out for the entire Fujitsu Group, thereby instilling a high level of compliance awareness in the organization, and the management is to take the lead in fostering a corporate culture where each employee does not tolerate any wrongdoings (Zero Tolerance).
- Deliver messages from the President or the Heads of each Business Group/Region on the importance of compliance (at least once a year)
| - Delivered messages to all employees from the CEO, the Heads of each business region, and Presidents of group companies in each country on the importance of compliance at Fujitsu Compliance Week to coincide with International Anti-Corruption Day
 Supply Chain | In its supply chain, the Fujitsu Group will achieve responsible procurement that embraces diversity and gives full consideration to human rights, the environment and health & safety.
- The Fujitsu Group will achieve responsible procurement in its supply chain.
To ensure that its major suppliers comply with the international standards for responsible procurement, the Fujitsu Group will obtain one of the following documents from its major manufacturing subcontractors and parts suppliers for its core products (Target KPI =100%)
- A platinum or gold level of site recognition under the RBA (*2) Audit Recognition program
- Written consent with the Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline (equivalent to the RBA Code of Conduct)
- Promotion of supply chain diversity
We set supply chain diversity as our goal of Responsible Business and promote it globally. - Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Supply Chain
We requested our foremost suppliers to set the quantitative targets complying with an International Standard to reduce GHG emissions
| - Availability of any of the following documents : 100%
- A platinum or gold level of site recognition under the RBA Audit Recognition program
- Written consent with the Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline
- Achieved procurement KPIs from enterprises with diverse attributes, such as SMEs, women's management, and minority enterprises in the UK, the Americas, and Oceania
- Completed to request 293 companies to participate in our Explanation Meeting
 Occupational Health and Safety | The Fujitsu Group's first priority in all business activities is to protect the health and safety of our employees both in mind and body by providing a safe and healthy work environment tailored to the different cultures in which we operate.
- We will foster a culture that does not tolerate accidents, incidents and poor safety performance.
- We will ensure safety is a core business value, and make safety important and personal in order to influence people’s decisions and behavior
- We will completely eliminate the loss of business opportunities due to preventable illnesses, injuries, and unexpected work-related accidents
The Fujitsu Group will maintain a safe and comfortable working environment, and promote employees’ mental and physical health in every workplace.
- Zero occurrences of serious accidents
- Implementing health and safety-related management reviews at the global level, conducted once a year
| - Zero occurrences of serious accidents
- Global OHS management leaders confirmed responses to COVID-19 in the Fujitsu Group
 Community | Our employees, who possess an awareness that they belong to a global society, will have a positive impact not just on society, but on the economy and on business, by increasing their empathy for social issues and engaging in the co-creation of activities.
We will evaluate, analyze and communicate the impact that our employees have made, and offer greater value to society.
Contributing to the transformation of both our corporate culture and mindset of employees
- Rate of increase in the number of employees participating in social contribution activities related to social issues : 10% increase compared with FY 2019 under the "new normal" situation
| - Data collection started in FY 2021:
Down 2.9% compared with FY 2019 (*3)