Social Wellbeing
Work Environment
Promoting New Ways of Working with ‘Work Life Shift’ Under the New Normal
Fujitsu is promoting Work Life Shift in these uncertain times to generate higher employee productivity than ever before, while ensuring that creativity and innovation continue to grow.
Work Life Shift is a concept that achieves employee wellbeing by focusing not only on ‘work’, but by completely shifting the ‘job’ and the ‘lifestyle’.
We are implementing various initiatives, both in terms of personnel systems and workplace environment changes, that will allow us to create and deliver value for our customers regardless of location or time and that will enable the ongoing transformation of Fujitsu itself.
The Work Life Shift offering consists of three key categories: Smart Working, Borderless Office, and Culture Change.
Smart Working
Approximately 80,000 employees of Fujitsu Group companies in Japan work principally on a teleworking basis (excluding those in manufacturing facilities and those assigned to customer sites). Our employees enjoy an optimal work style that allows them to choose flexible working hours and a work location that suit the characteristics and objectives of their work tasks as well as their lifestyle.
Borderless Office
Freed from the constraints of working in a traditional fixed workplace, employees can select a location that ideally matches the required task – be it their home, a hub office, a satellite office, or other appropriate workspace.
Culture Change
People management founded on high levels of employee autonomy and trust will generate maximized team performance and enhanced productivity.
Announcing Work Life Shift 2.0 -- DX Company Work Styles that Cater to Everyone’s Wellbeing
In October 2021, Fujitsu announced Work Life Shift 2.0 as a way to achieve a true hybrid work style that includes the effective use of real communication in the office and also aims to provide workers a more fulfilled life. The new version puts in place more advanced measures that reflect both employee feedback and issues that arose when the original Work Life Shift was implemented.
- Practical Hybrid Work and the Evolution to “Experience Place”
As we look towards a post-COVID future, the office is evolving from the work place of the past to an “experience place” that offers experiences only available at the office. New ways of using the office provide greater collaboration through real communication as we transition to a true hybrid work style that combines the real with the virtual. - Evolution of Work Styles for a DX Corporation
At Fujitsu, we are making the value of the various experiences gained from putting hybrid work into practice visible as data as we move towards a work style that boosts productivity while allowing for greater creativity. We are also further stepping up our collaborations with other corporations and local governments who support the Work Life Shift concept and contributing to the resolution of problems for our customers and the community more broadly. - Enabling Work-Life Synergies
By leveraging flexible work styles to make workers’ home lives more fulfilling, we are generating synergies and promoting new value creation, as well as achieving greater engagement and improving the wellbeing of all our employees.
Fujitsu Telework System
In April 2017, Fujitsu formally introduced a telework system that allows for flexible ways of working that are not tied to a specific location. This system is available to all 35,000 Fujitsu parent company employees in Japan and includes working from home or a satellite office as well as working during business trips.
The telework system facilitates business continuity in emergency situations such as the novel Coronavirus epidemic, providing for work innovations such as holding online meetings and digitizing written materials. It also provides an environment that makes it easier for employees with other commitments, such as raising children or caring for relatives, to continue working, helping Fujitsu to support and retain valuable personnel.
Goals of the System
- To boost individual productivity and maximize the benefits of team work
- To build an environment that supports continued participation by a diverse range of staff
- To ensure business continuity and rapid responses to disasters
Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Long Working Hours
The Fujitsu Group aims to improve the work-life balance and the productivity of every employee through a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing long working hours. By promoting Work Life Shift, we are also enhancing our systems that support diverse modes of employment based on tele-working, allowing employees to make use of flexible working arrangements, such as flex time and exempt labor systems.
Examples of specific initiatives aimed at reducing long working hours:
- Adopting flex time that is not tied to a core time and exempt labor systems for professional and management-related work
- Sending alert e-mails regarding overtime work
- Specifying recommended days for taking annual leave
- Emphasizing the concept of working hours management during management training
- Adjusting work patterns and leisure patterns according to fluctuations in workload
Measures to Enhance Communication
Labor Relations
Based on labor-management agreements with the Fujitsu Labor Union, Fujitsu holds discussions about various employment conditions and explains management policies and business conditions, along with business reorganization and other matters, to its employees through regular and ad hoc meetings such as the Labor Council or Productivity Council. These agreements also stipulate the collective bargaining rights of the union. Fujitsu adopts a union shop system, so all non-managerial employees are members of the Fujitsu Labor Union.
In Europe, the Fujitsu European Labor Relations Council Annual General Meeting has taken place every year since 2000, with the overall financial conditions of the Fujitsu Group and other issues shared with the employee representatives from Fujitsu Group companies.
Fujitsu has established a consultation service as a contact point for email and phone queries to the Human Resources and Administration Units. This is part of a structure that is designed to make it easy for employees to seek guidance on human resource and administrative programs.
In-house Social Media Network
The Fujitsu Group uses an in-house social media network to strengthen the ties between people all round the world, enabling diverse and talented employees to engage in communication that goes beyond the organization. As communities become more diverse, this network offers spontaneous forms of communication for employees that go beyond mere interchanges within the organization, encouraging new business plans, secondary jobs and workations, and allowing exchanges of information on careers in the life sphere, such as child-raising and caring.
It is also used by employees to discuss opinions and aspirations circulating in the community, such as staff management policies and the environment.
Employee Engagement Survey
In order to continue as a company which "promotes community trust and helps to build a more sustainable world through innovation", as defined in its activity guidelines and values, the Fujitsu Group conducts employee satisfaction surveys that provide employees with opportunities to seriously consider the importance of being highly motivated to take on challenges and how that motivation can be maintained or increased.
We have been gradually introducing this survey in Japan since FY2002, and outside Japan we began conducting an Employee Engagement Survey across all overseas Group companies in FY2011. We use this survey to compare regions within the Fujitsu Group and also to benchmark ourselves against our competitors in each country and region. Based on analysis of the results, we have identified issues specific to countries and regions, and to divisions and occupations, and we are now working toward management improvements and reform of our organizational culture.
FY2021 Performance
Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Long Working Hours
The discretionary working system applies to 16% of employees, and the flex time system applies to 79% of employees (Fujitsu Limited)
Tele-work Rate
The tele-work rate is around 80%.
Unionization Rate
The unionization rate is 76.0% (Fujitsu Limited)
Employee Engagement Survey

- Number of employees surveyed: Total 101,000 employees; approximately 70,000 employees at Fujitsu Limited and 91 group companies in Japan and 31,000 overseas employees
- Survey response rate: 81% globally (83% in Japan; 78% overseas)
- Positive response score: 65% (Fujitsu Limited)
* The positive response rate is calculated as the average of the five-level responses, converted to factors of 0, 25, 50, 75 & 100.