Occupational Health and Safety
The Fujitsu Group's first priority in all business activities is to protect the health and safety of our employees both in mind and body by providing a safe and healthy work environment tailored to the different cultures in which we operate.
- We will foster a culture that does not tolerate accidents, incidents and poor safety performance.
- We will ensure safety is a core business value, and make safety important and personal in order to influence people’s decisions and behavior
- We will completely eliminate the loss of business opportunities due to preventable illnesses, injuries, and unexpected work-related accidents
The Fujitsu Group will maintain a safe and comfortable working environment, and promote employees’ mental and physical health in every work place.
- KPI :
- Zero occurrences of serious accidents
- Implementing health and safety-related management reviews at the global level, conducted once a year
The Fujitsu Group has established a Health and Safety Policy for conducting various business activities, and we promote group-wide efforts to set up safe, pleasant working environments and create a workplace culture that will ensure the health and safety of our employees.
Fujitsu Group’s Health and Safety Policy
Ensuring the health and safety of Fujitsu's employees is one of the most important management topics, and it is given the highest priority in all of Fujitsu's business activities.
Promotion Framework and Regular Reviews
The Fujitsu Group has established a system to promote health and safety in each region, and we are moving forward to ensure compliance and preventive measures for occupational health and safety in accordance with the laws of each country through a comprehensive, region-led approach. We have set up the Central Health and Safety Committee, which is comprised of the executives in charge of the Human Resources Unit and Health Promotion Unit, and representatives and others from the Labor Union, to function as an overseer for the Health and Safety Committees at each business site in Japan. It meets once per year to share information and report to management and those in charge at each location about the confirmed status of disasters that have occurred at business sites, and about preventative measures, while also formulating Group-wide health and safety related policies.
In addition, the health and safety management organizations at individual business sites hold monthly Health and Safety Committee meetings. These committees establish policies suited to the unique characteristics of each site and work to create healthier, safer workplaces in accordance with policies related to the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. These health and safety management organizations also survey the worksites to check and improve anything that is potentially dangerous or could lead to occupational accidents, and they conduct risk assessments.
In the Europe, Global Delivery, United States and Oceania, since FY 2018, we have focused on collecting and utilizing data on the occurrence of occupational accidents with the aim of promoting the prevention of occupational accidents. In FY 2019, we established a cross-sectional system for incident management. We have set medium- and long-term goals that we aim to achieve in the Europe, Global Delivery and United States and United States regions which include these specific measures, and we are working diligently to strengthen governance, establish management systems, and develop human resources and skills in order to foster a culture that does not tolerate occupational accidents.
Efforts to Improve Occupational Health and Safety
The Fujitsu Group works toward health and safety with the goal of having zero occupational accidents. In order to boost awareness for the prevention of occupational accidents, we conduct health and safety training at each division, and encourage employees to develop exercise habits that help prevent falls.
Occupational Health and Safety Training
We provide health and safety training, as well as health education that raises health awareness, for the entire Group and for the unique environments at each office. In particular, as information that raises the awareness of employees, industrial physicians and counselors send messages as necessary in regard to topics such as COVID-19 (effects of vaccination, etc.), mental health maintenance, and women's health.
Infectious Disease Countermeasures
In response to the novel coronavirus, we have thoroughly adopted a working style based on working from home, so that our employees around the world can work safely and with peace of mind. We have also switched from face-to-face meetings to online meetings and conference calls, and as a general rule, we have banned overseas business trips and long-distance business trips within Japan. In addition, we have developed and disseminated guidelines for working from home, and taken measures to review our internal operations and fulfill our social responsibilities, so that we can carry out operations smoothly, regardless of environment.
As office environments, we are implementing measures such as appropriately controlling the percentage of employees in the office, having seat layouts which take social distancing into account, making alcohol-based disinfectant available, and managing records of where people sit in non-fixed seating, in order to provide workplace environments where employees can work safely and with peace of mind.
We have also set up a consultation service for infectious disease countermeasures, and disseminated information on how to prevent and combat the spread of infectious diseases through employee-oriented websites that introduce measures in each region and country..
Initiatives for Obtaining International Health and Safety Certifications
The international standard ISO 45001 certification has been obtained by some domestic Group companies and by Group companies in the UK, France, Spain, Australia, Germany, and Portugal. We have maintained other health and safety certifications, awards, and memberships, including the RoSPA Gold Award, Risk Excellence Award, OHRIS, and ILO.

Other Efforts
We are conducting a wide range of educational activities on occupational safety and health for employees across the globe, in support of the objectives of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which is organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
FY2021 Performance
Occupational Accident Occurrences (Fujitsu and Group companies)
Fujitsu and Group companies provide health and safety training and health education in order to raise health awareness. We also provide training at each of our offices that is tailored to the workplace environment.

ISO45001-Certified Group Companies
FDK Corporation (Takasaki Plant, Tottori Plant)
Fujitsu Australia Limited
Fujitsu Services Ltd
Fujitsu Services GmbH
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Fujitsu Technology Solutions SA
Fujitsu Technology Solutions SAS
Fujitsu Technology Solutions LDA
Educational Achievements
We are leveraging the Fujitsu Learning Experience to develop an environment where employees can undergo training at any time at the global level. In addition, we are providing health and safety training for new employees so that they will acquire fundamental knowledge for preventing occupational accidents, as well as the basics that will be useful in their own health management (approximately 1,300 employees/year) (Fujitsu and its domestic Group companies).
In the Europe and United States regions, we also conduct annual GSA compliance training to ensure that employees acquire basic health and safety skills. In April 2022, we launched the Fujitsu Safe World and City Challenge as a new e-learning training module. This module has been taken by more than 40,000 employees including each region of Global Delivery.
Infectious Disease Countermeasures
As countermeasures against the COVID-19 pandemic, we are promoting vaccination in some parts of Asia and Europe such as Japan, India, the Philippines, and Germany. In Japan, we started offering the third inoculation from March 14, 2022. In the Philippines, we are contributing to improving the vaccination rate in local communities by donating surplus vaccines to communities.